Pests of horticultural crops and their management and Beneficial Insects

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Course Name : Pests of horticultural crops and their management and Beneficial Insects

Code(Credit) : ASEN3204(2-1-0)

Course Objectives

  • Horticulture is a major subject in agriculture that includes both short-duration and long-duration crops. Like field crops, these are also attacked by a wide array of insects and the farmers suffer from huge losses. This course is designed to make the students aware of the biotic stress on these crops and the relevant remedial measures.

Learning Outcomes

  • The students will learn about the types of insects attacking different horticultural crops and their appropriate management. For example, for vegetable crops, the students will recommend botanical pesticides or green label chemical pesticides to avoid residue problems in vegetables.
  • Similarly, the students will learn the sense of beautification of the environment through ornamental horticulture.
  • This course also lays the foundation for higher studies in the field of entomology.
  • The students will also develop skills in apiculture, sericulture, and lac culture which leads to the entrepreneurship oppurtunities

Course Syllabus


Unit I. Insect pests of vegetables: Taxonomic position, host range, distribution, biology and nature of damage of major pests various vegetable crops like Brinjal, Okra, Tomato, Potato, Sweet Potato, Onion, Chilli, Pumpkin, Cucumber, Pointed gourd, Snake gourd and other gourds, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Radish. Knolkhol, Coriander) and their management.

Unit II.  Insect pests of Fruit crops: Taxonomic position, Biology, damage symptom and ecological factors responsible for insect pests of fruit crops like Mango, Apple, Citrus, Guava, Banana, Grapes, Pomegranate, Sapota, Custard Apple and Ber and their management.


Unit-III. Insect pests of Plantation crops: Taxonomic position, Biology, damage symptom and ecological factors responsible for insect pests of plantation crops like Coconut, Cashew, Coffee, Tea, Rubber and Betel vine and their management.


Unit-IV. Insect pests of Ornamental crops: Taxonomic position, host range, distribution, biology and nature of damage of major pests various ornamental crops like Chrysanthemum, Jasmine , tuberose, tagetes and Rose and their management.


Unit VI. Insect pests of Narcotics, spices and condiments:  Taxonomic position, Biology, damage symptom and ecological factors responsible for insect pests of above crops like Ginger, Turmeric, Pepper, Cardamom, tea, coffee and their management.


Unit VII: Beneficial Insects; Apiculture- (Beekeeping, bee species, domesticated species, the role of honey bees, pollinating plant, bee biology, commercial methods of rearing, equipment used, seasonal management of apiary, honey harvesting; bee enemies,  disease and their management.  Bee pasturage, foraging behavior and communication methods; quality honey production and testing.  Sericulture- (Types of silkworms, voltinism and biology of various silkworms;  Mulberry cultivation, mulberry varieties and methods of harvesting and preservation of leaves, rearing, mounting and harvesting of cocoons; Pest and diseases of silkworm and their management;  silkworm rearing appliances, disinfection of rearing units with appliances; sericulture as a cottage industry. Lac culture- Different species of lac insect, morphology, biology, host plant, lac inoculation and production – seedlac, button lac, shellac, lac- products); Identification of major parasitoids and predators commonly being used in biological control; enemies of lac insect and their management. Parasitoids and Predators-Identification of major parasitoids, and predators commonly used in biological pest control; their mass multiplication techniques; Important species of pollinator, weed killers and scavengers with their importance.


  • Identification, typical symptoms of damage by various Insects in vegetable, fruit, plantation, spices, and condiments crops.
  • Identification, typical symptoms of damage by various insects in various ornamental crops.
  • Acquaintance with different bee species with particular reference to Apis cerana indica;
  • Study on various beehives, equipment for managing apiary; demonstration on hive management, honey harvesting and quality testing;
  • bee enemy and disease management;
  • Study of Different Species of Silkworm; Visit Silkworm Rearing Unit and Equipment;
  • Study on Lac Culture;
  • Lac Host Plants and Methods of Inoculation.


  • Atwal, A.S. 1976. Agricultural Pests of India and South East Asia. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
  • Butani, D.K. and Jotwani, M.G. 1984. Insects in Vegetables. Periodical Export Book Agency,New Delhi.
  • Butani, D. K. 1984. Insects and Fruits. Periodical Export Book Agency, New Delhi.
  • Dennis S Hill 1987 Agricultural Insect Pests of tropics and their control, Cambridge Universtiy Press , New York
  • Khare, S.P. 1993. Stored Grain Pests and Their Management. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
  • Nair MRGK. 1986. Insects and Mites of crops in India. Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi.
  • Ramakrishna Ayyar, T.V. 1963. Handbook of Economic Entomology for South India. Government Press, Madras.
  • Vasantharaj David, B. 2003. Elements of Economic Entomology. Popular Book Depot, Coimbatore.
  • Vasantharaj David, B and Aanathakrishnan, T.N. 2006. General and Applied Entomology. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing House, New Delhi.
  • Upadhyaya K.P. and Kusum Dwivedi. 1996. A Text Book of Plant Nematology. Aman Publishing House, Meerut.

Session Plan

Session 1: Pest of Brinjal

Session 6: Pest of chilli and onion

Session 7: Pest of cucurbitaceous vegetables

Session 8: Pest of cruciferous vegetables

Session 9: Pest of cruciferous vegetables and coriander

Session 10: Pests of Mango

Session 11: Pests of Mango

Session 12: Pests of Apple and Custard apple

Session 13: Pest of Citrus

Session 15: Pests of Banana

Session 16: Pests of Grapevine

Session 17: Pests of Pomegranate

Session 18: Pests of Sapota and Ber

Session 19: Pests of Coconut

Session 20: Pests of Cashew

Session 23: Pests of Turmeric and ginger

Session 24: Pests of Onion and Coriander

Session 25: Pests of Pepper and cardamom

Session 26: Pests of Rose, jasmine and chrysanthemum

Session 27: Apiculture

Session 28: Apiculture Contd.....

Session 29: Sericulture

Session 31: Benificial insects

Session 32: Benificial insects Contd.....


Practical 1: Identification of typical symptoms of damage by insects in brinjal, tomato, chili

Practical 2: Identification of insect pests of okra, potato, sweet potato and onion and their damage symptoms

Practical 3: Identification of Insect Pests of Coconut and Their Damage Symptoms

Practical 4: Identification of Insect Pests of Mango, Cashew and Banana and Their Damage Symptoms

Practical 6: Identification of insect pests of chrysanthemum, tagetes, rose  and their damage symptoms

Practical 7: Identification of insect pests of jasmine, tube rose and lawn grass and their damage symptoms

Practical 8: Study of Different Species of Honey Bees and Bee Hives

Practical 9: Demonstration of different cells in frames and frame separation method

Practical 10: Study of Equipment for Handling Honey Bees

Session11: Visit of sericulture unit and identification of different stages of silkworm

Session12: Visit of sericulture unit and identification of different stages of silkworm

Practical 13: Mulberry Cultivation and Mulberry Varieties

Practical 14: Visit to Lac culture farm and identification of lac cells

Practical 15: Identification of various insect pollinators, scavengers and weed killers

Practical 16: Identification of predators and parasites

Our Main Teachers

Ajit Kumar Sahu

Assistant professor