Course-1:CUAB2320 Agri Food Markets and Value Chain analysis (1-0-2)
Agri food Markets-an Introduction, Agribusiness market dynamics – characteristics of agri-food markets, role of external factors that play on agri-food markets, key elements of supply and demand and understand the basic characteristics of supply and demand curves. Role for the consumer - Role the consumer plays in the food system.Characterizing the Agri-business Value Chain ( volatality, Complexity and scrutiny) . Factors affecting the Indian Agri food value chain, value chain model, Value chain design Implications for Stakeholders (Input companies, farmers, traders, food companies, retailers, Consumers)
Course-2:CUAB2321 Agri Input Marketing (1-0-2)
Agricultural input marketing – meaning and importance; Agricultural Inputs and their types – farm and nonfarm, role of cooperative, public and private sectors in agri- input marketing. Importance of seed input; Types of seeds- hybrid, high yielding and quality seeds; Demand and supply of seeds; Seed marketing channels, pricing, export import of seeds; Role of National Seed Corporation and State Seed Corporation. Chemical Fertilizers- Production, export-import, supply of chemical fertilizers, Demand/consumption, Prices and pricing policy; subsidy on fertilizers; marketing system – marketing channels, problems in distribution; Role of IFFCO and KRIBCO in fertilizer marketing, Plant Protection Chemicals- Production, export/import, consumption, marketing system – marketing channels, Farm Machinery- Production, supply, demand, Marketing and distribution channels of farm machines; Agro- industries Corporation and marketing of farm machines /implements/Equipments.
Course-3: CUAB2322Rural Haat and Market Analysis (0-0-2)
Location and size of the rural haat, Spatial and Functional analysis of Rural Haat, Buyers and Sellers, Money spin, Market matrix
Course-4:CUAB2323 Community Owned and Managed Agri-Businesses (0-0-2)
Introduction to FPO, Objective and activities. Cases of successful FPOs in India and abroad. FPO registration (as Cooperative society, as non profit society, as Trust and as a company). Business Planning for FPOs. Financial Management, Governance of FPOs, Policy level support to FPOs.
Course-5:CUAB2324 Agri Warehouse Management (0-0-2)
Agri Warehouse Functions, Agri warehousing operations, Agri Warehouse Inventory Management, Agri warehouse storage and material handling, Agri Warehouse Management Systems, Agri warehouse costing (Categories of warehouse costs, Managing labour expenses, The importance of slotting), Agri warehouse manager Roles, Safety and Health in Agri warehouses
Course-6:CUAB2325 Sales and Distribution of Agrifood Products (0-0-11)
The student will undergo an Immersion with LMDC to gain hands on experience of sales and distribution for agri produces. The immersion will help in learning, Salesmanship Meaning, scope, importance and limitations; prospecting; process of selling; focus on customer satisfaction and building seller customer relationship, Sales Force Management, recruitment and selection; training, motivation, compensation; appraisal of performance and promotion; direction and control of sales force, Sales Territories and Quotas Establishing territories; assigning territories; reasons for selling and using quotas;types of quotas and quota selling procedures; administering the quota system Sales Promotion Techniques: Consumer oriented techniques; salesman oriented techniques dealer oriented techniques, government department oriented techniques