Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge - CUSW2340 (1-2-0)
Rain water harvesting – definition and scope of rainwater harvesting; history of rainwater harvesting; need and importance of rainwater harvesting; components of rainwater harvesting; Hydrological aspects of water harvesting - hydrological cycle and water balance; hydrological characteristics; factors affecting runoff; runoff models suitable for water harvesting; Identification of areas suitable for water harvesting - parameters for identifying; suitable areas; methods of data acquisition; tools available; Different types of water harvesting structures - Negarim micro-catchments; contour bunds for trees; semi-circular bunds; contour ridges for crops; trapezoidal bunds; contour stone bunds; permeable rock dam; water spreading bunds; Runoff Inducement Methods; Roof water harvesting components and layout; Farm pond – types of farm ponds; embankment type; excavated or dugout ponds; site selection for dugout type farm ponds; Design of farm pond, Design of earthen embankment; Illustrate the importance of repair and maintenance of water harvesting structures; Artificial recharge techniques – direct and indirect methods; Economic indicator - Net present value; benefit cost-ratio; internal rate of return; payback period.
Study of hydrological cycle and water balance; Studying runoff models suitable for water harvesting; Methods of data acquisition; Computation of trapezoidal bund requirement per hector; General design considerations for earth dam; Computing design or dependable catchment yield; Design of farm pond; Design of earthen embankment; Calculation of roof water harvesting and water harvesting potential; Design of storage tank capacity for roof-top rainwater harvesting; Analysis of causes of failure of earthen bund; Analysis of causes of failure of earthen embankment; Slices method of stability analysis; Foundation stability against shear; Calculation of roof water harvesting and water harvesting potential; Design of storage tank capacity for roof-top rainwater harvesting; Determination of phreatic line in earthen dam – graphical and analytical method; Case study for showing economic evaluation of recharge schemes; Operation and maintenance of water harvesting structures; Analyse the cost benefit of a water harvesting structures.
Integrated watershed management- CUSW2341 (2-1-0)
Watershed definitions, Components, Coding of watershed, Familiarization with the watershed problems; Topographical survey, Morphometric analysis of watershed, Factors affecting watershed processes Delineation of watershed, Prioritization of watershed, Watershed response to land use; Storm water management, Flood management, drought management; Watershed development plan for rain-fed areas; Policies for IWM, Institutional activities on integrated watershed management; Tools for improved IWM practice; Review of Integrated Watershed Management Program in India.
Visualization of different geo-spatial tools used in IWM; Introduction to various open-source geo-spatial data repositories; Representation of earth features in GIS; Delineation of catchment area using Arc-GIS; Basic morphometric analysis of watershed; Preparation of Thiessen polygon to compute areal precipitation; Preparation of spatial maps of different watershed components; Environmental flow assessment; Identification of potential sites for conservation structure implementation; Field visit for working knowledge on different adaptive options on watershed management; Understanding of past successful IWM programs.
Sustainable Watershed- CUSW2342 (1-2-0)
History, development and national importance of watershed programs; Principles and objectives of watershed; Introduction to the concept of sustainable watershed management; Principles of sustainable watershed management; Natural resources management and different case Study; Hydrologic modelling for sustainable watershed management; Hydrologic modelling related case studies; Watershed health and sustainability; Water law and policy; Ecosystem services; Floods - causes of occurrence, flood classification - probable maximum flood, standard project flood, design flood; Flood control-history of flood control, structural and non-structural measures of flood control, storage and detention reservoirs, levees, channel improvement. Flood routing.
Hydrologic modelling for sustainable watershed management using GIS approach; Identification of recharge areas using remotely sensed data; Erosion, erodibility & sediment yield modelling; Reservoir sedimentation estimation using GIS and remote sensing; Introduction to HEC-HMS model; Simulation through HEC-HMS model; Practice on HEC-HMS model; Flood estimation-methods of estimation; flood frequency methods – log normal, Gumbel’s extreme value; Flood routing related basic equations; Hydrologic storage routing method: Modified Pul’s method; Hydrologic storage routing method: Goodrich method; Hydrologic channel routing: Muskingum equation; Introduction to 1D river modelling; Simulation of flood model; Overview of 2D modelling and difference between 1D and 2D flood modelling.
R programming in watershed hydrology- CUSW2343 (0-2-1)
Programming Language: basic definition and terms; Introduction to R programming; Basic syntax in R-programming; A first R session; Working with Data in R; Data type in R; R-Functions and R-strings; R-vector, R-Lists; R-Matrix, R array; R-factors, R-Dataframes; R – Packages, R – Csv Files and R – Excel File; R – Scatterplots, R – Line Graphs and R – Histograms; R – Boxplots, R – Bar Charts and R – Pie Charts; R – Linear Regression, R – Multiple Regression and R – Logistic Regression; R – Normal Distribution, R – Binomial Distribution; Creating Confidence Intervals, Performing t Tests; R – Poisson Regression, R – Analysis of Covariance and R – Time Series Analysis; R – Nonlinear Least Square and R – Chi Square Test; Nonparametric Tests in R; R- Simple Hypothesis Testing; R for Simulation; The “New” Statistics: Resampling and Bootstrapping; Making an R Package; R in hydrology: a review of recent developments; R-Packages for retrieving hydro-meteorological data; R-Packages for reading, manipulating, and cleaning the data; R-Packages for extracting driving data, spatial analysis, and cartography; R-Packages for hydrological statistics; R-Packages for static and dynamic hydrological data visualization.
Modelling and simulation of watershed processes- CUSW2344 (0-2-1)
Brief introduction on watershed processes, importance of modeling and simulation of watershed processes; Introduction and installation of SWAT model and overview of data requirements ; Watershed delineation, HRU analysis; Simulation through SWAT model (calibration); Simulation through SWAT model (validation); Introduction and installation of SPAW model and overview of data requirements; Simulation through SPAW model (calibration); Practice class for simulation with SWAT and SPAW; HEC-RAS model: Introduction and overview of model, installation; Simulation through HEC-RAS model; HBV model: Introduction and overview of model, installation; Simulation through HBV model; Practice class for simulation with HEC-RAS and HBV; Introduction to TOP model and installation; Simulation through TOP model; DSS-ET model: Introduction and overview; Installation, Simulation with DSS-ET model; Case studies with different hydrological models.
Geo-spatial application in watershed management- CUSW2345 (0-2-1)
Installation of Arc GIS; Downloading of maps and imageries from online repositories; Basic GIS operations in ARC GIS; Representation of earth features in GIS; Working with satellite imageries; Geo-referencing of satellite image; Preparation of contour map in ARC GIS; Preparation of slope and aspect map of watershed; Introduction to google earth; Google earth application as a ground truth tool; Supervise LULC classification; Un-supervise LULC classification; Preparation of drainage density map and stream ordering; Watershed delineation using DEM; Mapping of soil erosion; Identification of potential locations for groundwater recharge; River flow path analysis; Evapotranspiration mapping using MODIS product; Water budget analysis using ARC GIS.