Repair and Maintenance of Home Appliances
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Repair and Maintenance of Home Appliances

Repair and Maintenance of Home Appliances

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This is a skill oriented course to provide hands-on practice and project work in the study of electric house appliances and how to maintain efficiently those electric house appliances and repair it and those equipment's such as switch board, circuit breaker, fuse, inverter, battery and electrical/electronic appliances.

Code(Credit) : CUTM3037 (0-3-1)

Scheme Skill for Success (SFS)
NSQF Level 4
Duration 4 Months
Sector Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ)
Occupations Design and Installation
Entry Qualification ITI/Diploma/B. Tech/Applied Science/ Agriculture/BBA
Minimum Age 16 Years
Aligned to (QP)

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this subject are:

  • Understand key elements of electrical and electronics appliances.
  • Understand key elements of RAC (AC and Refrigerators).
  • Understand domestic wiring and layout.
  • Basic safety practices.

After completing this programme-

  • Repair maintenance of the basic electrical and electronics appliances.
  • Identification to protective devices.
  • Repair and maintenance of the split AC and Refrigerators
  • Able to do domestic wring and maintenance.
  • Can become entrepreneur in the related field
  • Can do Diploma or any Advance program in the same
  • Can become a Quality Assurance person in House wiring installation after gaining experience.

Learning Record:

  • The trainee will submit a Practice/Project/Learning record after each class/session.

Assessment Process:

  • The assessment agencies should have an expert to conduct assessment NOS wise and every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in the overall               assessment.
  • The assessment of the theory/knowledge will be based on a written test/viva-voce or both while the skill test shall be hands-on practical.

Industry Participation:

  • Gram Tarang , Odisha.
  • Sky Rider, Odisha.

Course Syllabus/Contents:

Module 1:
Module 2:
Module 3:
Module 4:
Module 5:

List of Projects/Products/Publications :

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