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• Utilizing different Tools, Mechanisms, Measuring instruments with Safety Practice
• Linking the Specific Tools with their specific applications towards different process.
• Conveyance on Cutting, Joining, Machining & Assembly processes in Manufacturing
• Knowledge on safety of tools and processes to avoid accident.
• Skills of using different power and machine tools.
• Exposure to using different metal cutting, fitting & joining
Module 1:
Approach To Mechanical Establishment; Illustration To Safety Practice & Equipment. (6hrs)
Exhibition To Different Parts Produced By Cnc ,Wood Engineering,Welding,Fitting,Conventional Machining.
To Avoid Accidents In Workshop (Safety &Amp; Precautions).
Familiarization To Different Clamping Devices ( Vice, V-Block, C-Clamp, Jig&Amp; Fixtures).
Different Hand Tools (Files,Hacksaw,Chisel,Screwdriver,Hammer,Pliers,Wrrench,Spanner)
Marking &Amp; Measuring Tools:
Marking: Surface Plate, Scriber, Punches
Measuring: Steel Rule,Measuring Tape,Trysquare, Micrometer,Vernierrcalliper &Amp;Height Gauge.
Module 2:
Fitting Shop. (15hrs)
Measuring &Amp; Cutting
Cutting &Amp; Drilling ( Hand Tools 7 Power Tools,Chiseling,Hammering &Amp; Shaping)
Final Job Preparation By Using Above Tools
Module 3:
Sheet Metal Work(12hrs)
Introduction To Different Sheetmetal Terminology (Punch,Die,Stamping Press,Power Press)
Cutting Operation
Bending Operation
Module 4:
Welding (12hrs)
Introduction to welding its equipments, its types ; safety & precaution
Gas Welding (Oxy- Acetylene welding, Air- Acetylene Welding)
Module 5:
Power Tools &Amp; Machine Tools (15hrs)
Power Hacksaw, Circular saw, Jig saw
Drilling ( Bench drilling, Pillar drills, Hand drills)
Grinding ( Surface grinding, Pedestal Grinding, Hand Grinder.
Milling ( Vertical milling ,Horizontal Milling, Universal Milling)
Module 6:
Wood Engineering (12hrs)
Hand Tools, Marking &Amp; Measuring Tools Used In Wood Engineering
Chiseling, Hammering, Sawing, Wood Jack Plane, Hand Drilling Machine Etc.
Dove-Tail Lap Joints
Using Of Advanced Tools In Wood Engineering Lab
Angular Cutting By Advanced Machining
Project - (15hrs)
List of Projects (One project is to be chosen by group of students. Maximum group size is 4)
1. Project: Decorative items production from metal.
2. Project: Decorative item production from wood.
3. Project: Different mechanism production from metal.
4. Project: Different mechanism production from wood.
5. Project: Mini cabinet preparation from scrap metal or wood.
* DEMO - Demonstration of Safety Practices to the students.
* DEMO - Students will visit to different Labs like CNC, conventional Machine Shops .
* DEMO - Different machined jobs will be visualize to them and They should make a group talk on the presence of faculty.
* DEMO - Demonstration of hand tools to students with their types, uses, specifications.
* PRACTICE - Finding types, specification, basic working of tools from different resources .
Web Links:
* DEMO - Demonstration of different clamping devices to students with their types, uses, specifications.
* PRACTICE - Finding types, specification, basic working of clamping devices from different resources
Web Links:
* DEMO - Machining and Production related related videos, pictures ,ppts will be shown.
Web Links:
* DEMO - Demonstration of various marking & measuring instruments with their uses, working, types& specification.
* PRACTICE - Searching various latest measuring technology with quick working process from different sources
Web Links:
Measuring Instrument - Vernier calliper
30 + measuring instruments for a mechanical engineer
* DEMO - Demonstration of different clamping process & reference filling of workpiece with measurement
* PRACTICE - Reference profile production from (50*50*12) mm MS-slab
* DEMO - Illustration of marking by using vernier height gauge, scriber, dot punch, number puncing.
* PRACTICE - Reference filling
* PRACTICE - Dimension maintaining on the given job.
* PRACTICE - Measurement &marking
* PRACTICE - Profile and angle hacksawing
* PRACTICE - Center Punching
* DEMO - Demonstration of different sheet metal working process.
* DEMO - Illustration of different sheet metal cutting, bending, pressing operations.
Web Links:
Different sheet metal operations
E- content on sheetmetal working
* PRACTICE - Sheet metal tray formation (150*150*2) mm.
* DEMO - Demonstration of different metal joining process by welding.
Web Links:
* PRACTICE - Corner joint with 2 numbers of 45*30*5 mm new MS- slab.
* DEMO - Cutting & joining process will be demonstrated by various gas welding processes.
* PRACTICE - Repairing of old damaged metal scraps by using gas welding process .
* DEMO - Demonstration of various machining process to form a profile - Cutting, drilling, grinding, facing, turning , various cylindrical object making
Web Links:
3D animation on drilling process
3D animation on Lathe operation
3D animation on Milling operations
* PRACTICE - Facing and turning on dia 32mm. cylindrical mildsteel.
* PRACTICE - Face milling and side milling on 50*50*10mm. ms slab.
* DEMO - Wood working tools, machines, processes will be demonstrated with their uses.
Web Links:
* PRACTICE - Dovetail joint preparation using 2 flat wooden blocks.
* PRACTICE - Different angle cutting and profile cutting using advance wood working machines
* PRACTICE - Different joints preparation using advance wood working machines
* Project Work
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