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• To acquire the hands on experience and skills for various turning operations.
• To acquire the hands on experience and skills for various milling operation.
• To empower participants with the skills to assembling produced mechanical parts.
• Understanding the tools and equipment used in the practice.
• Enhancing the skills in machining operations like drilling, turning, milling.
Module 1: Safety Practice (3hrs)
Practice- Demonstration of Personal safety, Professional safety and machine safety.
Practice- Demonstration of uses of Personal Protective Equipment.
Module 2: Introduction to conventional machines and machining processes. (3hrs)
Practice: Demonstration on conventional machines, types of machines.
Practice: Demonstration of different parts of different machines.
Module 3: Interpretation of different mechanical drawings related to jobs and parts.(6hrs)
Practice- Demonstration and Practice of studying and understanding different mechanical drawings which are related to job production or different parts.
Module 4: Measuring and Quality control. (6hrs)
Practice- Demonstration and practice of using different measuring tools while working on machine.
Practice- Demonstration and practice of different quality checking processes like flatness, angle, go-no go.
Module 5: Drilling Operations(12hrs)
Practice- Demonstration and practice of different drilling processes, reaming, counter sinking, counter boring and tapping.
Module 6: Lathe Operations. (21hrs)
Practice- Demonstration and practice of different lathe machining processes like facing, turning, step turning, taper turning, thread cutting and knurling.
Module 7: Milling Operations. (21hrs)
Practice- Demonstration and practice of different milling machine operations like face milling, end milling, profile milling & pocket milling.
List of Projects (Maximum group size is 4)
1. Assembling a male and female job using mild steel cylinder.
2. Assembling a male and female job using mild steel flat and cylinder.
Demo– Briefing on safety practices, tools to be used while working in workshop or machinehop.
Practice – Practicing of using Personal Protective equipments during work.
Web links–
Practice – Practicing of tapping, Counter sinking and counter boring on given Mild steel slab as per given dimension on the drawing.
Practice - Practicing drilling, reaming on given Mild steel slab as per given dimension on the drawing.
Web links –
Demo – Demonstration of different drilling processes, reaming, counter sinking, counter boring and tapping.
Web links –
Practice – Practice of measuring and checking dimensions, straightness and flatness of different work pieces of different shape.
Demo – Demonstration of different uses of different measuring instruments to measure dimensions, straightness, flatness or cyllindrisity of a job.
Web links –
Practice – Preparation of drawing or diagram of the jobs/ parts with given dimension before producing a work piece in machine shop.
Web links –
Demo – Demonstration of interpretation of different mechanical drawings of different jobs, parts with their dimension
Web links –
Demo – Demonstration of different machine tools, their parts and their working.
Practice – Making the diagram of the machine tool with identifying their parts.
Web links –
Demo – Demonstration of facing & turning operation on a conventional lathe machine with a mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Web links –
Practice – Practicing of facing & turning operation on given mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Demo – Demonstration of step turning & taper turning on a conventional lathe machine with a mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Web links –
Practicing of step turning & taper turning on a conventional lathe machine with a mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Demo – Demonstration of thread cutting and knurling on a conventional lathe machine with a mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Web links –
Practice - Practicing of thread cutting on a conventional lathe machine with a mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Practice - Practicing of knurling operation on a conventional lathe machine with a mild steel cylindrical work piece .
Demo – Demonstration of different milling machine operations like face milling, end milling, profile milling & pocket milling on conventional horizontal/ vertical milling machine .
Web links –
Practice - Practicing of face milling operation on a conventional horizontal/ vertical milling machine with a mild steel flat work piece .
Practice - Practicing of end milling operation on a conventional horizontal/ vertical milling machine with a mild steel flat work piece .
Practice - Practicing of profile milling operation on a conventional horizontal/ vertical milling machine with a mild steel flat work piece .
Practice - Practicing of face milling operation on a conventional horizontal/ vertical milling machine with a mild steel flat work piece .
Practice - Practicing of pocket milling operation on a conventional horizontal/ vertical milling machine with a mild steel flat work piece .
Assembly project work.
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