Hi-Tech Surveying
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HI-TECH Surveying

HI-TECH Surveying

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This is a skill-oriented course to provide hands-on practice and project work in the study of modern surveying. It is intended to change in the manual survey techniques and a holistic approach to encompass both plane table and Hi-tech survey cognitive skills for any surveyor. To bridge the gap between the available revenue cadastral map and in-situ reality incorporating human error, modern map-making with small-scaled maps like 1:2000 or 1:5000 has become evident by employing innovative advanced techniques like the use of ETS, UAV, GNSS, GPS, and LIDAR etc.

Code(Credit) : CUTM3047 (0-3-1)

Scheme Skill for Success (SFS)
NSQF Level 4
Duration 4 Months
Sector Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ)
Occupations Hi-Tech Surveying
Entry Qualification Diploma/B. Tech/Applied Science/ Agriculture
Minimum Age 16 Years
Aligned to (QP) QP-CON_Q0902_Surveyor.pdf (csdcindia.org)

Course Objectives:

  • Familiarization with the work environment and expected personal attributes to perform as an Assistant Surveyor
  • Familiarization to the principles, components, and tools required.
  • Develop an end-to-end technical understanding to execute surveying works in construction industry.
  • To solve measurement problems in an optimal way.

After completing this program-

  • Students will gain knowledge of basic concepts of modern Surveying.
  • Students will gain knowledge of applications of different surveying instruments like ETS, GPS, DGPS and GPR.
  • Can join the industry as a surveyor/license surveyor approved by Odisha Govt.
  • Can do higher study in the same discipline.

Learning Record

The trainee will submit a Practice/Project/Learning record after each class/session

Assessment Process

  • The assessment agencies should have an expert to conduct an assessment, and every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in the overall assessment.
  • The assessment of the theory/knowledge will be based on a written test/viva-voce or both while the skill test shall be hands-on practical

Industry Participation:

  • Mr. Anjana Mallik, Director, Raj Subha Tech Solution


Our Main Teachers

Seeking a career to share my knowledge and experience with students and gain more experience into the education and teaching field.Proficient in developing new lessons and activities to expand learning opportunities.My strengths are disciplined, friendly with new technology, friendly with organization, a good environment creator, and motivator.