JOBROLE-Assistant Surveyor

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Course Name : JOBROLE-Assistant Surveyor

Code(Credit) : CUTM3024(1-4-1)

Course Objectives

  • Familiarization with the work environment and expected personal attributes to perform as an Assistant Surveyor

  • Familiarization to the principles, components, and tools required.

  • Develop an end-to-end technical understanding to execute surveying works in construction industry.

  • To solve measurement problems in an optimal way.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the role and responsibilities of assistant surveyor.

  • Implement the knowledge of the basics of surveying, tools and equipment and field work.

  • Apply the knowledge of principles and purpose of leveling in finding out the vertical distance.

  • Use total station in the field of civil engineering land survey.

  • Illustrate how to work efficiently with superiors and colleagues

  • Summarize the basic principle of GIS and GPS in civil engineering.

  • Prioritizing activities and organizing resources to meet desired outcome

Course Syllabus

Module 1:Chain and Compass surveying (11 hrs)

Advantages & disadvantages over chain surveying, types of chain, principle of compass surveying , methods of traversing, local attraction plotting of traverse.

Practice session

1.Measurement of distance by ranging and chaining.

2.Determination of area of polygon by chain and cross staff survey.

3. Measurement of bearings of sides of traverse with prismatic compass and computation of correct included angle.


Calculate the area of a building by using chain surveying.

Module 2:Leveling (10hrs)

Introduction, Study of essential features and parts of different types of levels.

Practice session

1.Setup off auto level and make temporary and permanent adjustment.

2. Determination of elevation of various points with dumpy level by collimation plane method.

3. Fixing benchmark with respect to temporary bench mark with auto level by fly leveling and check leveling.

Module 3:Theodolite traversing(13 hrs):Methods of traversing in theodolite, traverse computation, balancing of traverse.

Practice session

1.Setup off theodolite with tripod stand and make temporary and permanent adjustments.

2.Measurement horizontal angle by repetition method & reiteration method.

3. Measurement of vertical angle.

4. Conducting a close traverse of a given area and balancing it by Bowditch rule


Set out a center line of a given building using theodolite.

Module 4:Total station (16 hrs)

Introduction, Principle and application of total station, advantages of total station.

Practice session

1.Horizontal distance measurement by using total station.

2.Measurement of distances and coordinates of given points using total station.

3. Measurement of altitudes of given elevated points using total station.

4. Run a closed traverse using total station and plotting the traverse.

5. Determination of areas of field (enclosed three or more points )by total station.

Module 5:Global Positioning System(6hrs)

Introduction of Global Positioning System, Satellite constellation, GPS signals and data, Geo-positioning-Basic Concepts. Discussion on navstar, glonass. Galileo,compass. Basic geodesy, Geoid /datum/ Ellipsoid-definition and basic concepts, Coordinate Systems, Special Referencing system, Map Scale, Scale factors, Indian geodetic System Segments of GPS:Control Segment, Space Segments, User Segment-operations of GPS, accuracy, error sources and analysis, methodology for collection of data, adjustment computations and analysis. Selection of datum, units and scale; GPS measurement. GPS Positioning Types-Absolute Positioning.

Practice session

1.Setting of instruments, Observation, Data downloading and processing

2.Plotting of points, Georeferencing, Error calculation.

Module 6: Differential Global Positioning System(6hrs):Differential positioning Methods-Static & Rapid static, Kinematic-Real time kinematic Survey. DGPS-GPS data processing and Accuracy. Selection of Reference Station, Reference Station Equipment: GPS receiver, GPS antenna. Radio and its types, Radio Antenna GP. Application of GPS in Surveying and Mapping, Navigation, Military, Location Based Services, Vehicle tracking, etc. Limitation of GPS & DGPS

Practice session

1.Instrument Setup (Base station and Rover), Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK); Single point observation, Double point with baseline processing methods

2.Triangulation method, Real-Time Kinematic (RTK); Navigation system, Collection of Ground Control Point (GCP), Data export to GIS software.


Preparation of topographical map by using satellite image and total station.

Module 7: Geographic Information System(6hrs)

Geographic Information System :Introduction ,Definition of GIS , Components of GIS, Geographical concepts  ,Input data for GIS Types of output products, Application of GIS.

Practice session

  1. Managing a dataset: Geo-referencing (Map to Image and Image to Image), Projection, Data base creation: Digitization using Point, line and polygon, Edit, Clip, Intersect, Union, Merge, Join and subset. Attribute table editing.
  2. Google Earth (Convert Shape file to KML Format and KML File to shape file, Import data into Google earth, Bhuvan view,  Extract data From Google Earth, Extract Point Data, Extract Polygon data, Extract line data, overlaying an image into Google earth).


Survey of one village using total station and DGPS.

Reference Books:

1.Surveying and leveling,2e-N.N.Bassak

2.Higher surveying-Dr. BC Punima,Ashok K Jain

3.Online content-

Session Plan

Session 1

Foundation (online)- Advantages & disadvantages over chain surveying, types of chain.

Web link-

Vedio link-1


Demo –Accessories of chain surveying, folding and unfolding of chain.

Practice- Measurement of horizontal distance by ranging and chaining.

Session 2

Practice: Determination of area  by chain and cross staff survey.

Web link-

Vedio link
E content

Session 3

Foundation (online)- principle of compass surveying , methods of traversing, local attraction plotting of traverse.

Web links –

Vedio link-1


Demo – Accessories of compass surveying, briefing out different parts of prismatic compass.

Practice- Measurement of bearings of sides of traverse with prismatic compass and computation of correct included angle.

Session 4

Project-Calculate the area of a building by using Chain surveying.

Session 5

Foundation (online)- Introduction, Study of essential features and parts of different types of levels .

Web links –

Vedio link-1

E content

Demo – Briefing parts of leveling, setup level machine with tripod stand, centering and leveling, temporary and permanent adjustment.

Practice-Setting of theodolite machine and make temporary and permanent adjustments

Session 6

Practice- Determination of elevation of various points with dumpy level by collimation plane method.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 7

Practice-Fixing benchmark with respect to temporary bench mark with auto level by fly leveling and check leveling.

Web link-

Vedio link 1

Vedio link-2 

Session 8

Foundation (online)- Methods of traversing in theodolite, traverse computation, balancing of traverse

Web links –

Vedio link-1

Demo –Setup theodolite with tripod stand, Briefing out parts of theodolite, centering, leveling, temporary and permanent adjustments.

Practice: Setting of theodolite machine and make temporary and permanent adjustments.

Session 9

Practice: Measurement horizontal angle by repetition and reiteration method.

Web links-

E content 

Session 10

Practice: Measurement of vertical angle.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 11

Practice: Conducting a close traverse of a given area and balancing it by Bowditch rule.

Web links-

Vedio link

Session 12

Project: Set out a center line of a given building using theodolite.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 13

Project evaluation

Session 14

Foundation (online)-Introduction, Principle and application of total station, advantages of total station.

Web links –
Vedio link-1

Demo – Parts of the instrument, basic key operation, display functions, setting up the instrument, focusing and target sighting,  distance and angle measurement,  coordinate measurement ,to view the data/ points collected, area calculation, data download.

Practice: Horizontal distance measurement by using total station.

Session 15

Practice: Measurement of distances and coordinates of given points using total station.

Web links-
Vedio link

Session 16

Practice: Measurement of altitudes of given elevated points using total station.

Web links-
E content

Session 17

Practice: Run a closed traverse using total station and plotting the traverse.

Web links-

Vedio link

Session 18

Practice:Determination of areas of field (enclosed three or more points )by total station.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 19

Foundation (online)- Introduction of Global Positioning System, Satellite constellation, GPS signals and data, Geo-positioning-Basic Concepts. Discussion on navstar, glonass, galileo,compass . Basic geodesy, Geoid /datum/ Ellipsoid-definition and basic concepts, Coordinate Systems, Special Referencing system, Map Scale, Scale factors.

Web links-

Vedio link

Practice:Setting of instruments, Observation, Data downloading and processing

Session 20

Foundation(online)-Indian geodetic System Segments of GPS:Control Segment, Space Segments, User Segment-operations of GPS, accuracy, error sources and analysis, methodology for collection of data, adjustment computations and analysis. Selection of datum, units and scale; GPS measurement. GPS Positioning Types-Absolute Positioning.

Web links-

Vedio link
Practice: Plotting of points, Georeferencing, Error calculation.
Web links-
Vedio link-1

Session 21

Project: Preparation of topographical map by using satellite image and total station.

Web links-

Vedio link
Vedio link-1

Session 22

Project evaluation

Session 23

Foundation (online)-Differential positioning Methods-Static & Rapid static, Kinematic-Real time kinematic Survey. DGPS-GPS data processing and Accuracy. Selection of Reference Station, Reference Station Equipment: GPS receiver, GPS antenna. Radio and its types, Radio Antenna GP.

Practice: Instrument Setup (Base station and Rover), Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK); Single point observation, Double point with baseline processing methods.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 24

Foundation(online)-Application of GPS in Surveying and Mapping, Navigation, Military, Location Based Services, Vehicle tracking, etc. Limitation of GPS & DGPS.

Practice- Triangulation method, Real-Time Kinematic (RTK); Navigation system, Collection of Ground Control Point (GCP), Data export to GIS software.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 25

Foundation(online)-Geographic Information System :Introduction ,Definition of GIS , Components of GIS, Geographical concepts  ,Input data for GIS Types of output products, Application of GIS.

Web links-Vedio link

Practice- Geo-referencing (Map to Image and Image to Image), Projection, Data base creation: Digitization using Point, line and polygon, Edit, Clip, Intersect, Union, Merge, Join and subset. Attribute table editing.
Web links-
Vedio link

Session 26

Practice- Convert Shape file to KML Format and KML File to shape file, Import data into Google earth, Bhuvan view,  Extract data From Google Earth.

Web links-

Vedio link 

Session 27

Practice- Extract Point Data, Extract Polygon data, Extract line data, overlaying an image into Google earth).

Web links-

Vedio link

Session 28

Project- Survey of one village using total station and DGPS.


Session 29

Project evaluation


Case Studies

Case Studies

Our Main Teachers

Seeking a career to share my knowledge and experience with students and gain more experience into the education and teaching field.Proficient in developing new lessons and activities to expand learning opportunities.My strengths are disciplined, friendly with new technology, friendly with organization, a good environment creator, and motivator.