Training and Development

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Course Name : Training and Development

Code(Credit) : MGHR2320(2+0+0)

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

Enable you to understand and appreciate the concepts, principles and processes of training and development.

Understand recent approaches to training and development.

Develop and understanding of how to access training needs and design training programs in an organization setting.

Apply theories of learning to the training function and develop a training module.

To familiarise you with the necessary levels, tools and techniques involved in valuation of training effectiveness.

Finally, to develop and understand on various non-training solution to improve employee performance. Training and
development have a great impact on employee behavior. It polishes employee’s behavior so, that he/she can fit with
the internal and external environment.

The effort will be to provide, as far as possible hands on learning.

Learning Outcomes

Conduct Training Need Analysis research and deliver reports

Use Kolb's model to design experiential training programs

Compare different types of training programs

Prepare training calendar for an organization

Apply the ADDIE Model to manage the training function

Distinguish and articulate the building blocks of all training programmes

Design training feedback reports at different levels of the Kirkpatrick Model

Use the different stages in skill development for finding the right training programs

Course Syllabus

Module I

Objective setting
Training and development an overview:
Training context, scope, training challenges, workplace, future workplace training system.

Module II

Needs assessment:
Systematic approach, assessment phase, training and development phase, Organizational analysis, requirement analysis, skill ability analysis, and person analysis.

Module III

Program designing:
Instructional design, learning outcome, building effective instruction, experimental design, internal and external validity

Module IV

Training methodology:
Learning, training styles, and training delivery:
stages of learning, learning principle, training issues, condition of transfer and motivational theory.

Module V

Training Evaluation :
Evaluation phase, instructional technique, evaluation process, values, criteria, dimension of criteria and types of criteria.

Books for reference:

• Goldstein and Ford, (2007) Training in Organization(4th Edition) Cengage Learning, New Delhi.

• Lynton, R. Pareekh Udai (2005) Training and development Sage publications, New Delhi.

Journals for reference :

Harvard Business review.
Training and development.
Indian Journal of Training and development.

Session Plan

Session 1

Session 2

Training context
The Training Context

Session 5

Session 10

Assessment phase
Assessment Animation

Session 12

Session 13

Session 14

Skill ability analysis
Skill and ability

Session 17

Session 20

Experimental Design

Session 21

Internal and External validity
Internal and External validity factors

Session 22 : Module 4

Training Methodology
Training Methodology Video

Session 23

Learning Styles

Session 24

Training styles and Training delivery

Session 26

Learning principle
General Principles of Learning

Session 27

Training Issues
Issues in training

Session 28

Condition of transfer and motivational theory
Theories of Motivation

Section 29 : Project 1

Individual project presentations
Internal Evaluation

Session 30 : Module 5

Session 31

Session 32

Instructional technique

Session 34

Dimension of criteria

Types of criteria

Session 35 : Project 2

Group project and presentations
Internal Evaluation

Session 36 : Assignments

Case presentations in class
Individual / Group Presentations

Course Guidelines

The pedagogy:

The class will be formed into five groups. You will be working in one of the groups for case presentation. The group will be formed on the 1st day of the course and the list will be provided to the faculty indicating the names on the same day.

Class participation and surprise quiz: It includes attendance, active involvement in all classroom discussion and activities, and case presentations.

Guidelines for both Individual project ( Project - 1) and Group Project ( Project - 2):

The objective of these projects is to enable you to gain hands on learning experience in developing a training package for an organization. This project has four components as mentioned below:

  1. Need assessment
  2. Objective setting
  3. Program design
  4. Evaluation of the training

The structure / sequence of the project should be as follows:

  1. Choose an organisation of your choice and gain the organisation support to carry out this project
  2. Decide the coverage (Job/Category/Unit/Department/Division etc.) of the study
  3. Begin needs assessment with organisation analysis and requirement analysis, then undertake task analysis, case analysis and person analysis. Assess training needs
  4. Identify non-training issues at the end of the personal analysis that effect employee performance. Suggest measures to address these issues
  5. Derive objectives bases on the needs identify
  6. Design training program keeping in view the objectives of training which you derive from training needs
  7. Send the report to me ([email protected]) covering needs assessment, objective setting, training design and evaluation phases two weeks before midterm.
  8. The content of the report: Report should contain precisely the entire process from organizational support to needs assessment, object setting program design, and evaluation model.  Append questionnaire etc. used for data collection.
  9. Adding any amount of theoretical inputs will directly attract minus marks.

Course Evaluation

  1. Class participation and surprise quiz (5% + 5%) - 10 Marks
  2. Project – 1: Individual project and presentation - 20 Marks (Includes all action plans learnt till )
  3. Project – 2: Group project and presentation - 30 Marks (Apply all action plan learnt through various modules)
  4. End term - 40 Marks

Case Studies

Case Studies

Our Main Teachers

Prof. Prakash KVD is working as Dean HRD. His areas of interest are leadership development, training and development, organizational development interventions, mentoring, consulting, IT projects and interventions, large program management, problem solving etc. He has a long stint of experience of 26 years in Information Technology and in the corporate world, both in India and […]