Programming in C

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Course Name : Programming in C

Code(Credit) :CUTM 1602 (1-2-1)

Course Objectives

Provide basic knowledge of programming tools and techniques.

Familiarize the programming environment and syntax of C programming.

Understand the working of basic programming constructs.

Learning Outcomes

The students will able to apply programming skills to problem solving.

The student will able to write 150 to 200 line programs without any error.

Module I :Problem Solving Techniques ( 10Hours )

Problem solving techniques :  Algorithm, flow chart; Structure of C program, Character set, Identifiers, Keywords, Data Types, Constants and Variables, Input-output statements, relational and logical operators, increment and decrement operators, conditional operator, bit-wise operators, assignment operators, expressions, type conversions, conditional expressions, precedence and order of evaluation.


Module II : Control Structures ( 7Hours)

Statements and blocks, if and switch statements, loops : -while, do-while and for statements, break, continue, goto.


Module III : Array(7Hours )

Arrays-concepts, declaration, definition, accessing elements, two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, applications of arrays.


Module IV : Functions( 15 Hours )  

Designing structured programs Functions, parameter passing, user defined functions, recursive functions, storage classes- extern, auto, register, static.


Module V : Pointers ( 15 Hours )

Pointers- concepts, initialization of pointer variables, pointers and function arguments, address arithmetic, Character pointers and functions, pointers to pointers, pointers and multidimensional arrays, dynamic memory management functions.


Module VI: Structures( 11Hours )

Derived types-structures-declaration, definition and initialization of structures, accessing structures, nested structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions, pointers to structures, self-referential structures, unions, Typedef, bit fields.


Module VII: Files (5 Hours )

Input and output–concept of a file, text files and binary files, file I/O operations, Command line arguments.


Text Books :

  1. Balaguruswamy “Programming in C”, Tata McGraw Hill 3rd Edition
  2. Kanetkar, “Let us C”, BPB Publications-9th edition.


Reference Books :

  1. H. Scheldt, “C The Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill
  2. B.W. Kernighan & D.M. Ritchie, "C Programming Language", PHI.
  3. Gotterfried, Schaum Series-“C Programming”.


List of Projects:

  1. LASER Demonstration
  2. Electronic Voting Machine
  3. Elementary Database Management System
  4. Student Information System
  5. Parking System
  6. Bank Management System
  7. Result System
  8. Quiz Game Project
  9. Library Management System
  10. Pacman Game

Our Main Teachers

Mamata Garanayak

Assistant Professor