The design of Hexacopterwas done using Part Design (CATIA) in 3D ExperienceDassault software. This was designed to minimize the damage tothe propellers, motors and electrical equipment’s. The central hub, spars and the arms aredesigned individually and then assembled as a main body. Sketcher feature is used to drawthe shape of any components and pad was used to add material to give the object a 3D shape.Dresher features such as chamfering, filleting trimming etc. were used during the drawing.Reference elements such as Line, plane, and point were also used during sketching operations and to make multiple objects of same shape i.e duplicating the objects. After sketching anyobject, it was constrained by giving it dimensions. Aftercompleting one body design,the next body was added using an optionpresent in the specification tree. The Booleanoperation was followed during the design of the components.
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